Thursday, June 28, 2007

Hmong News- Group from Australia teaching English

This is a special report from HIM Leader:
To keep you informed regarding Hmong Ministry this week, we have a mission team from Australia. Their assignment is to conduct English Camps and minister to Hmong people.
We took them to visit Ban Pam Kae and Manee Pruke to share the gospel and do activities. Also we all had an opportunity to communicate with two shaman in Ban Manee Pruke.
We have English Camps scheduled for two public schools in Pua District for 2 half days.
In Christ, HIM Leader
There will be more details soon on this project and at least one more picture.
Please pray for this team and HIM Leader as they serve Yexus in Nan Province.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Hmong News-Review of Some of the New Christians in the Phuchifa Area

These are some of the New Christians in the Phuchifa area you have seen on this blog before. This has been in the 6-8 weeks.

Hmong News-Revival meeting in Phayhipad

HIM Leader held a revival in Phayhipad, near Phuchifa. Not long ago several people were baptized in this village. The Holy Spirit is really working among the people here.

Message from HIM Leader:
This is to update you on the church revival in Ban Phayhipad, Thung District, Chiang Rai Province ( Phuchifa area). I have conducted a church revival for a group of Hmong believers
in that village on June 9 and 10-07. The revival went well. Nine members were baptized and one
made profession of faith in Jesus ( Mrs. Kia Saesong) age 70.
We also had the opportunity to share the gospel to many people in that village. Many villagers are interested in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We will return to visit those prospects next month.
Photos are of new believer, Mrs. Song, 9 that were baptized, and an example of primative way of life in Phayhipad.
The fields are ripe, but only a few workers.
In Christ
HIM Leader

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Hmong News-Revival Meeting in Ban Phayphipad

HIM Leader sent this short note. We should have a report later this week:

To remind you all that we are heading to Ban Phayaphipad, (Phuchifa) Chiang Rai for church revival. This group of believers have never had a church revival in the ten years since this was group was formed. I hope we can help them with Spiritual growth and be able to bring many more people to the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, please pray for us and the people there.

In christ,

HIM Leader

Hmong Report-HIM Leader, May 2007 Report

To: HIM board and officers, prayer partners, friends

From: HIM Leader

Report to you all regarding HIM ministries in Northern Thailand during May 2007, activities of HIM Leader and wife

1. We led 22 Hmong into saving faith in Jesus Christ
2. Bible study and fellowship services with 5 cell groups on villages
3. Shared the gospel to a group of Hmong people in Ban Pam Poei ( new area)
4. Teaching literacy classes and Bible study in two dorms
5. Provided discipleship training for Hmong from Laos, and also received report from one of the members that he has brought 2 Hmong into saving faith in Jesus Christ in May. They have been sharing the gospel to the people around their villages
6. I have coordinated CPT with the other church denominations

Hmong Report-Xeng Lor and Bangyat Her, May 2007 Report

Report from HIM Leader:

Report regarding Xeng Lor and Banyat Her's ministry among the Hmong in Chiang Rai and Nan Provinces.

Xeng Lor:

1. Led 1 family of 9 people into saving faith in Jesus Christ
2. Bible study and lead fellowship services in Ban Huai Khu
3. Shared the gospel to 5 villages. There are 48 people interested in the gospel
4. Visiting members and pray for the sick
5. Visitation of prospective members

Banyat Her

1. Bible study and fellowship services in 3 villages
2. Bible study and worship with Lua group
3. Helping with community development in Ban Song Khwae, Nan
4. Participated in Northern Thai Baptist Convention annual meeting on 5-19-07
5. Coordinated with northern Thai Baptist for CPT

Conclusion: These two servants are helping with Church Growth and sharing the Gospel to Hmong animist of Northern Thailand.

In Christ,

HIM Leader